This is the first time I've been featured on another blog!
The school supply caddy I made was featured on Fireflies and Jellybeans.
Stop by her blog to see what other great craft ideas she featured this week.
The Discipline of Grace: God's Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges is a well-written and thought-provoking book. It takes the reader through the gospel in order to better understand what grace really is. Then, Mr. Bridges reminds the reader of his/her role in actively pursuing God's grace all the time. He challenges the reader to examine his/her faith and the way you live out that faith in your everyday life.
I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a 'fresh' teaching on God's grace. This book can be purchased from Nav Press for $14.99.
This is what Nav Press says about the book:
The Discipline of Grace offers a clear and and thorough explanation of the gospel and what it means to be a believer. Written by Navigator author Jerry Bridges, this book explores how the same grace that brings us to faith in Christ also disciplines us in Christ. In learning more about grace, you also will learn about God's character, His forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
This looks like it will be a great movie. This trailer has piqued my interest. It’s amazing to me to think that some actions and behaviors are inherent in every baby/toddler – no matter where they are growing up.
“Share the theatrical trailer everyone's been raving about with your readers!
Everybody loves... BABIES. Coming to theatres this Mother's Day Weekend (May 7th), this visually stunning new movie simultaneously follows four babies around the world - from first breath to first steps. From Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo, BABIES joyfully captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal to us all.”
This is Ponijao from Namibia. She is one of the four babies featured in this movie. Ponijao lives with her family, including her parents and eight older brothers and sisters. Ponijao’s family is part of the Himba tribe, and lives in a small village with other families, following traditions including speaking their own (Himba) language. The men in the Himba tribe are generally off looking after the cattle and searching for grass, so Ponijao is most often with her mother and other female relatives; she plays, eats, and is bathed through the traditional method of mixing concrete red ochre with oil. Ponijao’s favorite things to do are dance and play with other children in the tribe.
I am posting this review as a reviewer for BzzAgent.
I came across this idea on The Crafters File Box blog. I loved it, and it was perfect for our school table. I did exactly as she described. I purchased a lazy-suzan from Ikea – for $7.99. I stopped at Target and bought 4 pails from the Dollar Spot. (I already had 4 more at home). Then, stopped at Walmart for red spray paint - $.97. Voila! I painted the lazy-suzan white and the pails red. I screwed each of the pails to the lazy-suzan and filled it with our school supplies. I was able to fit 8 pails on mine. (I could probably have fit 1 more small pail on if I had made them touch.)
I plan to make one of these for Emma to keep in the game room in her “craft” area. And, now that I think about it – I may need one for my sewing table! Hmmm…
Grillin’ weather
This is the first time matt has grilled this year. The weather was nice so he threw some steaks on the grill for dinner. Yummy!
School Supply Caddy
I love this new school supply caddy. It’s cute, functional, and I made it!
This is where I spend time keeping up with friends and family. I enjoy seeing what everyone is doing and seeing pics of my friends and their families. I love being able to keep my family up-to-date with what’s going on in our family since we live so far away.
Play date at the playground
We met friends at the park at the end of our street. Matt got off work early and stopped by the park before heading out of town for the week. I love this picture of he and Emma.
Shopping and a movie
Today, I took the kids to the mall and shopped for new spring/summer clothes. Then we met friends to watch Alice in Wonderland. I didn’t have my camera with me. So, I have to tackle one of the other moms to get a picture of our group wearing Mad Hatter hats.
One of me…
I’m never actually in our pictures, because I’m the one that’s usually behind the camera. So, today I snapped one of myself. This is me, Tara…AKA mom, mommy, babe, sister, daughter. It’s me!
Mint Chocolate Brownies
Yeah me!!
My good friend owns 3D Travel. 3D Travel is a travel agency that specializes in Disney experiences – Disneyland, Disney World, and Disney Cruise Line. Carol Beth and her travel agents (which now includes me) organize The Ultimate Field Trip – a homeschool Disney field trip Labor Day week. This year, 3D Travel is putting together their first Disney Homeschool Graduation.
I’ll be in training until June. After that, I will be able to book trips for others!! I can’t wait! Above you can see how I found out I got the job!! A special thank you to the moms I used to work with at MOPS who read the script I sent them spoke to the interviewer when he called to check my references! :)
I am so excited! I get to work from home helping people create a magical Disney experience! Got lots of work to do before training starts, but it will be well worth it when I can start working with others! I’ll post here when I’m trained and ready to book…
BTW, I will have to create a 'business' blog. Any ideas for a catchy name for a "Disney travel" themed blog? :)
What Your Son Isn’t Telling You is a powerful book! And, it couldn’t have come at a better time. This book is written to moms of teenage sons, but it is definitely a must-read for dads, too. The authors discuss the unique struggles of teenage boys. While I was familiar with most of the struggles, I didn’t really understand the difference between the struggles of a teen boy and a teen girl. Thank you to the authors for “unlocking" those secrets for me.
Here’s what Bethany House has to say about the book:
Your son struggles with the constant pressure to prove himself--in the classroom, on the playing field, and especially among his friends. And while he may put up a tough exterior, deep inside he hungers for family support and connection. You long to be there for him, but chances are he's put up a formidable wall of silence, leaving you wondering how to break through.
In What Your Son Isn't Telling You, teen experts Michael Ross and Susie Shellenberger offer a rare glimpse into the secret lives of teen boys--behind-the-scenes footage you might miss in the day-to-day life of your son--accompanied by practical advice on how to provide the support and connection your son desperately needs.
This book is available from Bethany House for $13.99. If you have a teenage boy, or if you will soon, I recommend reading this book. It will open your eyes and give you some insight to the struggles your son could face in his teenage years. The book is also packed with Biblical principles and foundations of truth in dealing with these struggles. The authors give helpful advice in training your son to grow up to be a man of integrity as God would have him be.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of What Your Son Isn’t Telling You from Bethany House Publishers as part of their Book Review program. I did not receive any other compensation, and all opinions expressed are my own.
Last week, we met up with some friends at a local park. It was a beautiful day, and I needed to get the kids out of the house! We were going a bit stir crazy!
When we got to the park, Isaac and Emma discovered a duck that had laid an egg under the slide. It sat very quietly as all of the kids and moms gawked at it.
After eating a picnic lunch, the kids fed the geese in the lake. We were all enjoying the geese when we found this in the water…
An otter!
The kids were fascinated, as were the moms!
After spending some time at the playground and feeding the geese, we walked to a nearby rec center. The kids played while the moms chatted.
After spending some time at the rec center, we walked the rest of the way around the lake. I saw this hole in a tree, and I thought it was pretty neat. Upon closer inspection, Logan discovered a shoe in the hole. We all thought that was pretty funny.
Just in time!
I am loving the sunshine and the warm air.
I can leave the windows open in the daytime.
The kids can play outside!!
Even Macy, the dog, loves being out in the sunshine.
I received Never Say Never by Lisa Wingate to review from Bethany House Publishers. It’s available for $11.99. This book was a fun, fast read. The storyline is interesting and gripped me from the start. I couldn’t wait to finish it to see how it all worked out in the end.
According to the back cover:
Kai Miller floats through life like driftwood tossed by waves. She’s never put down roots – and she doesn’t plan to. But when a chaotic hurricane evacuation lands her in Daily, TX, she begins to think twice about her wayfaring existence. And when she meets hometown boy Kemp Eldridge, she can almost picture settling down in Daily – until she discovers he may be promised to someone else.
Daily has always been a welcoming place of refuge for those the wind blows in, but for Kai, it looks like it will be just another place to leave behind. Then again, Daily always has a few surprises in store – especially when Aunt Donetta Bradford has cooked up a scheme.
There were parts of this book that made me laugh out loud and parts that tugged on my heart. I recommend it, and I can’t wait to check out more books by this author.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of Never Say Never from Bethany House Publishers as part of their Book Review program. I did not receive any other compensation, and all opinions expressed are my own.
I made this wreath for one of Emma’s friends. I didn’t take pictures
of the process, but am working on another one that I am photographing.
I love my new decorations!
This is the first time I’ve ever decorated for Saint Patrick’s Day. But, after seeing so many blog posts with so many crafty ideas, I knew I had to do my own.
Emma helped my string my shamrock garland.
This is the right side of my mantle display.
I found this frame on clearance at Target for $2 after Valentine’s Day. I found the glittery foam shamrocks at Michaels. I just glued the shamrock to a piece of scrapbook paper I had in my stash. Then, I found some green buttons in my button stash and hot glued them to the corners of the frame.
I purchased a foam wreath form at Dollar Tree. They also had green and white carnations that I picked up for this wreath. I hung the wreath with a strip of white tulle from the craft room.
For the garland, I used the foam shamrocks from Michaels. I cut a few shamrocks out of scrapbook paper and laminated them. Emma then threaded all the shamrocks onto green and white ribbon. I filled the glasses (in the left corner) with shredded paper and shamrock necklaces. The white vase is from the dollar spot at Target. I picked up the plate at Ross.
This frame is another Target clearance find. I printed our monogram on a piece of cardstock. I then cut it out and glued it to a piece of scrapbook paper. I had a stash of pom-poms in the school room which I placed in the bottom of the glass jar. I wrapped some ribbon around a candle from the Dollar tree and placed it on top of the pom-poms.
This is one of my favorite decorations. I painted a terra cotta pot black. I filled it with some green shredded paper. Then, I added a layer of “gold” (lima beans I spray painted metallic gold). I found the leprechaun picks at Michaels and cut the sticks so the leprechauns would be “standing” on the gold.
Can’t wait to start prepping for my Easter mantle!!