Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lots Going On!

We have had so much going on! I can't believe how busy life has been this month! We've been up to our ears in Emma's spring recital. Isaac has been hard at work with his pottery classes. Logan has been coaching Upward soccer at our church, and he just signed up to work at VBS next month. I've been studying and learning 'all things Disney' for my upcoming job training weekend. I've also been trying to figure out what our summer homeschool schedule will look like so Logan can finish his sophomore credits before our new school year starts in September. Whew! It makes me tired just typing it all out. (Of course, all of the above is in addition to the 'ever-so-mundane' chores that being a stay-at-home mom brings with it - laundry, errands, cooking, cleaning, etc!) I hope to post some pictures of Logan coaching, Isaac creating, and Emma dancing very soon! Right now, I'm off to bake some bread before school starts.

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