Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Grocery Shopping Fun!
And, not only did I find milk at a great price, but they also had canned pumpkin in stock again! Last year, there was a pumpkin shortage. You may not know it, but there was. Now, we don't each much pumpkin pie in our house, but my kids think they could live off of pumpkin muffins. So, in addition to my 6 gallons of milk, I bought 10 cans of pumpkin!!
Guess what we're having for breakfast tomorrow!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Where did we stay?
We stayed at Disney’s Pop Century Resort. It’s my favorite value resort at Walt Disney World!
The kids love the Hippy Dippy pool, and there’s plenty of seating for the grown ups (and the teens who think they are). It’s shaped like a flower and has flower sprayers around the perimeter.
The Hippy Dippy Pool
My mom, Logan (my teen), Matt (my hubby),
and Todd (my brother-in-law)
My sisters and I – Jessie (and unborn baby Isaiah), Chrissy, and me
Isaac (12), Kiersten (10), and Allie (12)
They have a great food court where we ate breakfast most days and pizza for dinner the first night.
Jessica (sister), Me, my mom
Logan, my Papa, Matt (hubby), Todd (BIL)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
We went to Walt Disney World!!
We spent last week at Walt Disney World! We had a blast, of course. We were joined by my mom, two sisters, brother-in-law, three nieces, and my Papa! This was the first time my nieces had been to WDW. I couldn’t wait to experience the magic with them! (We actually traveled to Disney World as part of 3D Travel’s ‘Ultimate Field Trip’ which I will blog about at a later date.)
Here are a few highlights of the start of our trip. I will post over the next few days about each day of our trip. As I blog, I will let you in on secrets, tips, and just plain fun information! Watch for posts on how to pack with just carry-on luggage, how to entertain kids on the airplane, etc.
Emma was up and ready to go not-so bright and early! She couldn’t wait to get there. And, YES, I’m one of ‘those’ parents who dresses their children in Disney-themed clothing for the entire trip! (At least when they’re young enough to still enjoy it!)
Pre-trip breakfast at Cracker Barrel
Emma and Isaac playing checkers
Emma is watching a Piglet movie on my Ipod.
Emma didn’t make it too far into the movie before she fell asleep and slept through the entire flight. Did I mention it was early when we left home?
Emma and Cousin Abbi at the airport
All of the cousins at the Orlando airport waiting for their ‘surprise’ (my Papa joined us and the kids had no idea). We’re waiting to board the Magical Express shuttle to Walt Disney World!
Stay tuned for…our resort arrival
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Blog Hop - Mommy Blogger BFF

Looking for new blogs to follow? Check out the Mommy Blogger BFF Blog Hop at A Mommy Blogger's BFF. I did. I'm hoping to meet some new mommy bloggers and make some new friends. Come join me!