Sunday, August 15, 2010

Busy Weekend…

It’s been a busy weekend (and week leading up to this weekend). I have lots going on, but in just a few shorts weeks things will slow down.

I’m working on a new blog for my new job with 3D Travel Company – a travel agency that specializes in Disney destination vacations! My new blog – Goin’ to the Mouse House – will be a place where I can chat about all things Disney! And, I’m in the process of opening a Goin’ to the Mouse House store on Etsy where I can offer all of my Disney-themed creations for sale.

I’m working on some promotions for 3D Travel’s upcoming Ultimate Field Trip (UFT). I’m embroidering backpacks that will be given away to all of the homeschool families who are attending our field trip in September – at WALT DISNEY WORLD!!

I’m gearing up for our new school year. I wanted to start two weeks ago, and even gave it a good try. But, I wasn’t as ready as I wanted to be so we waited. Tomorrow, we will re-start our new school year. I’m ready and prepared. The kids are ready for some structure, as well. Can’t wait to see what this year holds for us!

So, I’ll remain this busy until after UFT (early September). Then things should slow down…until our new 3D Travel promotions kick in and I start booking Disney vacations that is!

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